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Clark - Scale Modeler

I got my first kit when I was around 12 years old. F16 Fighting Falcon from one of the many relatives I didn't get far. Well, it got as far as the top shelf of the closet and that's about it.

Fast forward 15 years through a drafting degree, 7+ years of 3D printing, and a PS4 later; I was playing World of Warships. Just upgraded to the battleship class and there it was.....the idea of scratch building a coffee-table sized Kaiser battleship!

Well, I knew that it wasn't going to happen over night and that I needed to practice. So I bought my first kit (Datsun Offroad Pickup) and got to work learning the ropes! This is a photo album, of sorts, of my progress towards that Kaiser build.

Enjoy my progress and follow my Instagram for faster updates.

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